Wednesday, 12 March 2008

It's a new dawn, a new day, a new life, and I feel like blogging.

I thought it was about time that I started adding fancy stuff like tags to my blog that I have cultivated for ages... then I decided I might as well get a whole fresh new look. I'm leaving that old blog up as it is (if it's not broke, don't fix it) but starting up this new one that's pretty much a continuation of it.
Hopefully this one should look even more sleek and stylish (i've even slimmed-down my username!), even if it's filled with the same old silliness. I've also decided to add a "current mood" at the end of each post, illustrated with a (hopefully mildly amusing) picture. At the moment I'm rather chipper because I've finished a few essays and I'm drinking Jagermeister and coke (an excellent combination), and I'm very tempted to drink enough to get hyper and attempt to dance a celebratory jig around my new, pokey little flat. So, current mood: happy/dancey/high.

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